Monday, November 08, 2004

Market! Market!

Up-market, down-market, bull market, bear market, blah blah. Never heard it before as many times as I've been hearing and reading it lately.

Just signed up for an account on CBS.MarketWatch. Can I really go through with this? I have no idea what the blokes are saying. There are familiar words here and there; I get to say "Uy, alam ko 'to ah!" whenever I come across the words 'the Internet', or 'Microsoft'. It's like having a vivid dream, you wake up and remember the details but forget everything by the time you get out of bed. Or taking Accounting for two semesters, then one year after graduation the only thing you remember is that a P5,000-below annual income isn't taxed, and you're not even sure.

Oh yeah, a cousin got a K700i. It's as gorgeous as I imagined, but the first unit he got was faulty. If your unit has bugs or operates slowly, exchange it in for another one immediately. I think I'll get one when I need it, or just when it's being phased out and costs P10K (from the current price of a whopping P23K)

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